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Day 1 : Arrival to Amman
Upon arrival at Queen Alia International Airport , TAQAROB tours' representative will meet you and will process the entry visa to Jordan. Then drive to Amman for dinner and overnight

Day 2 : Amman - Madaba - Nebo - Dead Sea - Petra
After breakfast: Then drive to visit the city of Madaba, it is one of the most memorable places in the Holy Land, along the 5,000-year-old Kings' Highway.

Madaba is best known for its spectacular Byzantine and Umayyad mosaics, it is the home to the famous 6th century Mosaic Map of Jerusalem and the Holy Land. With two million pieces of vividly colored local stone, it depicts hills and valleys, villages and towns as far as the Nile Delta.

Then drive to Mount Nebo, place where Moses looked over the Holy Land and the Dead Sea. That is the place where Moses was seen for the last time; therefore we consider this place as burial place for Moses. You can visit here the memorial church of Moses. Most of the scenic mountains are 400 meters high containing deep fissures with sheer cliff headwalls caused by running water from the top. It has been inhabited by many human cultures since prehistoric times with many cultures including the Nabateans - leaving their mark in the form of rock paintings, graffiti and temples.

Currently several Bedouin tribes inhabit the area. From there continue to the lowest point on earth , the Dead Sea , enjoy your time on the beaches of the Dead Sea , here in the lowest point on earth you will spend unforgettable time where you can enjoy and spoil your body with the unusual salty and mineral rich water, the rich black mud along the shoreline, the thermal mineral springs are healing both for your body and your soul. Last continue to Petra transfer to hotel for dinner & overnight.

Day 3 : Full day visit of Petra - Amman
After breakfast: Pick up to visit Petra, start your day exploring Petra with the 800 meters horse ride as there is no visit of Jordan will be completed without having seen the capital of the ancient Nabatean kingdom, Petra.

The long-lost city of Petra, carved entirely by man into the rose-red sandstone rocks, puts your imagination to the test. Its mystic and glorious place, an eternal tribute to a lost civilization.

Petra was the central meeting point of the Nabatean spice routes which originated from the Persian Gulf, Western Arabia and the Red Sea. About two thousand years ago Petra became the capital of the Nabatean Empire. The city was so renowned that one of its kings, Aretas IV, is even mentioned in the Bible.

The natural richness of the mountainous area combines in a superb way with the refined culture and massive architecture of the Nabateans, who carved their theatre, temples, facades, tombs, monasteries, houses and roads entirely into the rose-red sandstone rocks. Drive to Amman for Dinner and overnight


Day 4 : Amman - Departure
After breakfast, meet our representative and drive to Amman for final departure